
Moved to a new Server

dexters-web.de just moved to a new server.

This of course as well applies to the OVMS server. If you already used the name ovms.dexters-web.de to access the server, you don't need to change anything.

If you want to or need to use the IP address, you need to change that now to the new IP:

The new server now uses the new Google Firebase Cloud Messaging API for Android notifications. Please also update the Android App to the latest release. The old version will continue to receive notification until end of June, when Google will switch off the old API.

If you don't receive notifications from the App after the update, try rebooting your device. This is a known Android FCM issue (affects especially Android 13 & 14), it's not an App bug.

Please contact me in case of any issues with the server.